Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Introducing the Pennsylvania Sierra Club’s Blog

    By Wendy Taylor,  PA Sierra Club Chapter Chair

Sierra Clubbers always have something to say, and now we have a new place to say it: we are blogging! That’s right! We aren’t going to wait to react to what others say. We will say it first! Right here. Let the bad guys react to us for a change
No one person knows all the issues, so each week a different thinker, a Pennsylvania Chapter member, will tell us what is on her or his mind. We seek to inform. But mostly we want to motivate our members to do something. We pride ourselves on being a volunteer-led organization, but that means that volunteers have to lead. And all of us have to act.

You will recognize some of our bloggers who regularly write for the Chapter’s newsletter, The Sylvanian. Phil Coleman, who writes Coleman’s Lantern, will be a featured blogger.  And we will be getting updates on the political scene in Harrisburg from our Chapter Director, Jeff Schmidt. He’s been around the state capitol for 30 years and knows what bills are moving and what bills are dying. And from time to time, Gary Thornbloom will share those special places in the wilderness that offer spectacular views and unique features that can be found on the trails in Pennsylvania. We also will hear from people who are trying to save endangered species, rivers, and forest lands. Others will blog on keeping our air breathable and water drinkable. And of course, we will delve into the many facets of global warming and climate change. All of these are in keeping with the Sierra Club’s mission to explore, protect and enjoy our planet.  

But the blog goes a step further. Do you have something to say? Would you like to contribute a blog? Does something one of our bloggers writes strike you as wrong or off target? We want to act rather than react, but our actions aren’t designed to be stillborn. Can you react or respond to what one of our bloggers says? Please do.

As chair of the Pennsylvania Sierra Club, I am proud to introduce this new style of communicating with our members, supporters, and yes, even detractors. As the saying goes, we are known by our enemies! As long as coal, natural gas and oil companies disagree with us, we know we are on the right track. It will be up to our followers to correct misleading comments and stand up for the environment. Who knows? We may find some wonderful new writers in the process.

This year, we are experimenting with ways to connect with people and start new working relationships. We know that there are many people out there who believe that global warming is real but are overwhelmed by the enormity of the problem. Yes, this is not an issue, it a problem! No single group is going to solve this problem. It will take many groups, thousands of groups, netting together under one common demand for action: action by individuals and governments. We need to shake the world with our message -- and shake up our politicians. We will do what we can with our blog .

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